(Sassalbo, 15 Gennaio 2021) - The call for applications to the 2nd cohort (2021-23) of the PANGEA Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme is open until February 21st.
The application is open for all students, European and non-European, seeking a scholarship. The selected scholarship holders will receive a full financial support including participations costs, travel costs and a monthly allowance.
Information on eligibility requirements, application deadlines, courses, and more can be found on our website:http://master-pangea.eu/
To know more about the Master from the point of view of the first students: https://master-pangea.eu/first-cohort/
PANGEA Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme
The Pangea (PAleoNtology GEoheritage & Application) programme is the first and unique Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in geoconservation topics.
The educational aim of this programme is to qualify students to a level of excellence in one of the three specialised fields of Earth Sciences: Palaeobiology, Geoconservation and Applied Palaeontology.
Our consortium is composed of the University of Lille in France, the Uppsala University in Sweden, the University of Minho in Portugal and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece.
This 2-year study programme spread over the four European universities of our consortium and leading to 120 credit Master's diplomas was designed to meet the renewed international demand for qualified graduates with dedicated training and experience in in one of the three specialised fields.
You can contact master-pangea@univ-lille.fr for any questions.